WordPress Pay Now Change Logs

Created by Autify Digital, Modified on Thu, 18 Apr 2024 at 05:21 PM by Autify Digital

Version NumberDate ReleasedDescription
Fixed -Fixes for Pages Generation

Updated Documentation
Fixed - Bug Fixes
1.0.82024-03-26Added - Error Messages User Friendly
1.0.72024-02-19Removed - Removed API Deprecation Code
1.0.62024-01-16Added - Added the User Role Based transaction
Added - Added the Minimum and Maximum Amount Setting

Fixed - Pay Now default country should be UK.

- Transaction URLs Issue fixed.

Fixed - Decimal values to number formatted in email.
Added - the Email Functionality for Admin and can support multiple emails
Added - Transaction Notification URL added.
- Changed the flow from URL AJAX to POST method
Fixed - Bug fix for the payment redirection.
1.0.12022-04-22Plugin Release - WordPress Initial plugin release for the WordPress - Using the Hosted functionality to redirect the customer to Hosted page to perform the transaction.

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