Address Verification Service Codes Guide

Created by Autify Digital, Modified on Wed, 04 Oct 2023 at 03:09 PM by Autify Digital

AStreet address matches, but 5-digit and 9-digit postal code do not.
BStreet address matches, but postal code not verified.
Street address and postal code do not match.
DStreet address and postal code match. Code "M" is equivalent.
EAVS data is invalid or AVS is not allowed for this card type.
FCard member's name does not match, but billing postal code matches.
GNon-U.S. issuing bank does not support AVS.
Card member's name does not match. Street address and postal code match.
IAddress not verified.
JCard member's name, billing address, and postal code match.
KCard member's name matches but billing address and billing postal code do American Express only not match.
LCard member's name and billing postal code match, but billing address does not match.
MStreet address and postal code match. Code "D" is equivalent.
NStreet address and postal code do not match.
OCard member's name and billing address match, but billing postal code does American Express only not match.
PPostal code matches, but street address not verified.
QCard member's name, billing address, and postal code match. 
RSystem unavailable.
SBank does not support AVS.
TCard member's name does not match, but street address matches.
Address information unavailable. Returned if the U.S. bank does not support Standard domestic non-U.S. AVS or if the AVS in a U.S. bank is not functioning properly.
VCard member's name, billing address, and billing postal code match.
WStreet address does not match, but 9-digit postal code matches.
XStreet address and 9-digit postal code match. 
YStreet address and 5-digit postal code match.
ZStreet address does not match, but 5-digit postal code matches.

Last Updated At: 04/10/2023

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