FreedomPay 3DS SoftDecline

Created by Autify Digital, Modified on Sat, 18 Nov 2023 at 10:22 AM by Autify Digital

A Soft decline happens when a bank confirms the card used exists but can't accept the transaction for some reason.

The FreedomPay module will asked the challenge whenever the 3DS SoftDecline happen and then make a decision of the Payment. We will need to enable the SoftDecline from the FreedomPay.

To run the soft decline check on the test mode, please follow the below steps:

  1. Please disable the 3DS mode and enable the 3DS softdecline mode.
  2. Submit the transaction with 55.22 amount. 
  3. Use the Card Number 4000 0000 0000 1091 and can use any CVV or expiry.
  4. First Payment response will be 216 or 217.
  5. Then it will display the Challenge Modal to perform the challenge.
  6. Once the challenge is done, it will make decision of the payment after the challenge.

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