FreedomPay Test Cards

Created by Autify Digital, Modified on Sat, 18 Nov 2023 at 10:22 AM by Autify Digital

3DS Cards:

3D secure has below flows

- Challenge

- Frictionless

Each Flows has Attempted, Fully Authenticated and Decline test cases.

Fully Authenticated Case - 3DS response will contain the ECI Flag as 05 and 02.

Attempted Case - 3DS response will contain the ECI Flag as 01 and 06 and CAVV value is null.

Failed/Declined Case - 3DS response will contain the ECI Flag as 00 and 07.

Frictionless Flow will not require any Challenge like One time postcode, Approved from Bank, etc. Frictionless flow will not to perform any challenge.

Challenge Flow will display the Challenge to perform for the transaction.

The example of challenge is below:

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